Peut-être avant, mais plus maintenant, Guy A.

Guy A. qui est impressioné par un article d’un média obscur au Canada anglais…

« Each episode of TLMEP is a cultural event, and it can make or break a politician »

Citations très drôles…

It’s a safe bet that hundreds of thousands of Quebecers, perhaps a million or more, will turn on their TVs. N’importe quoi!

Become fodder for Monday-morning water-cooler conversations across Quebec. Heuuu non!

After 14 seasons, it’s still drawing about a million people [each week],” Heuuu non, pantoute!

To succeed on the show, guests have to be prepared to talk policy, but also to laugh at themselves and stickhandle through some potentially awkward moments, deliberately (and gleefully) engineered by Lepage and Turcotte

HA HA HA HA come on!

Commentaire inutile à m’envoyer: moi le lundi, je parle de la Voix!